12. 02. 2022 | Acquisition of Own Shares, Investors' News

Announcement for sale of own shares

IDEAL HOLDINGS A.E. (the "Company") announces, for greater dispersion in its portfolio, on 01/12/2022 sold 85,000 from its own shares, which correspond to 0.21% of the total number of shares issued, at a price of €3.60 per share and a total value of €306,000.00. 

It is noted that the above shares were acquired with an average purchase price of €3.24 per share. Following the above transaction, the Company holds in aggregate 295,358 own shares, a percentage of 0.7359% of the total number of shares issued. 

Regarding the acquisition of own shares, the decision of the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders for the acquisition of shares up to 10% of the paid-up share capital of the Company (on the date of the decision of the General Meeting) is valid as of 02.12.2021, for up to 3,147,525 shares and with a maximum purchase price of €7.00 per share. 

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