09. 30. 2022 | Investors' News, Announcements

Announcement for the exercise of Stock Option

IDEAL HOLDINGS S.A. (the "Company") announces, that pursuant to the terms of the Stock Option Plan to members of the Board of Directors and executives of the Company and its subsidiaries, in the form of a stock option for the acquisition of shares of the Company, with a maximum number of shares to be issued 2,800,000, with a maximum issue price of EUR 0,40 (nominal value of the Company's shares) per share and a duration of 24 months, which was established pursuant to the resolution of the Board of Directors dated 30.7.2021, in execution of the resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company's Shareholders dated 30.6.2021 (the "Plan"), for the Third Exercise Period (1.9.2022 - 30.9.2022), a total of 2,795,000 stock options were exercised by 17 persons (members of the Board of Directors and executives of the Company and its subsidiaries) i.e. the total options of the Plan, from all its beneficiaries, and the total amount of 1,118,000 euros was paid into a special account held by the Company.

The Board of Directors of the Company will proceed with the issuance of 2,795,000 new common nominal shares, the increase of the Company's share capital and the amendment of its Articles of Association, as well as the certification of the payment of the capital increase and the required publicity formalities, in accordance with article 113 par. 3 of Law 4548/2018. Furthermore, the Board of Directors will take any other action required for the admission of the new shares to trading on the Athens Exchange.

Athens, 30 September 2022

Board of Directors

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