06. 02. 2022 | Acquisition of Own Shares, Investors' News

Announcement of Acquisition of own shares

IDEAL HOLDINGS S.A. (the "Company") announces that on 31.05.2022 sold 14,000 own shares at a price of €3.50 per share and total value of €49,000.00, which represents 0.0445% of the total number of shares issued. The transaction was executed over the counter through PIRAEUS SECURITIES SA a member of the Athens Exchange.  

The above shares were sold to Mr. Nikitas Kladakis of Efstathios, Director and General Manager of NETBULL INFORMATION SERVICES SOLE SHAREHOLDER LTD, which is an indirect 100% subsidiary. Following the above transaction, Mr. Kladakis holds a total of 14,000 shares of the Company, corresponding to 0.0445% of the total number of issued shares. 

The above own shares were acquired with an average purchase price of € 2.90 per share. Following the above transaction, the Company holds in aggregate 151,553 own shares, representing 0.4815% of the total number of shares issued by it. 

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